Register for London Spring/Summer Drinks

Note the new venue: Queen's Club, West Kensington

WHEN:   Wednesday, 30 May 2018, 18:30 to 21:00

WHERE: Members Bar at The Queen's Club, Palliser Road,

                London W14

WHAT:    Wine and canapes included with admission; cash bar

COST:    CAA members can pre-register and save 50 percent on the price on the door -- $18 online versus £25 on the door.


Click here to buy tickets.

 Look Who's Coming

As of 00:15 GMT, 29 May, 14 people
Charles Bauccio
Robert Binney
David Burns
Janin Campos
Michael Constant
Richard Ingham
Simon Mansfield
John Oakes
Cynthia Parker
Ken Picknell
Tony Prince
Peter Warr
Larry Weiss
Hugh Williams