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From Gabe & Jerilyn Caprio: Sincere condolences to Bob's family. Haven't seen Bob for over 30 years but remember him well. Great person, highly talented and will be well remembered.



From Victor Canas: I was deeply saddened to learn about Bob’s death. We knew each other since high school and worked together at Chase during my stay in Peru. I always admired him for his professionalism and frankness. My condolences to his wife, Lalio, and his family. Goodbye my friend.



From Harry Tether: I am shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of Bob.  I worked closely with Bob, first in Mexico and then in Chile and Argentina. He was dedicated to Chase and Latin America.  While at Chase he played an active role with the various country AmChams, including AACLA, the American Chambers of Commerce for Latin America, which helped to raise the profile of Chase with our clients. I last saw Bob coincidentally in Chile a few years ago where he was working for Sanchez DeVanny and promoting high end tourism to Chile. We shared many happy and successful times together and I treasure those memories. My sincere condolences to Lalio and his family.  


From Alan T. Gregory (June 2024): I just learned of Bob's passing and I am deeply saddened by this. He was a terrific family man and businessman. He had a very positive impact on my life and I am blessed that I knew and worked with him. 
     Although I haven't seen Bob and his wife and children for probably 12 years when they visited me at my home in Maine. It seems like that was yesterday. I have very fond memories of the visit. 
     He is missed by many.

In Memoriam: Bob Chandler, 73


Robert (Bob) W. Chandler, a 23-year veteran of Chase Manhattan, died of a heart attack on September 24, 2018 while on vacation in Paris.


The longtime CAA member was 73 and lived in Monterrey, Mexico, where he had opened a Sánchez Devanny in 2001, advising on financial institutions and services.


Chandler joined Chase in 1965 after earning his BA in economics and anthropology from Stanford. At Chase he worked in Western Hemisphere Finance/Capital Markets and Real Estate Finance.


Additionally, the bilingual Chandler held management positions in affiliates such as the Banco Mercantil Agrícola in Caracas, Venezuela; Banco del Comercio in Bogotá, Colombia; Chase Manhattan Bank de Argentina in Buenos Aires, and the Housing Investment Corporation, a banking affiliate for construction and mortgages of the Chase Manhattan Bank in Puerto Rico.


Before leaving the Chase Manhattan Bank, Chandler was Asset Conversion Director of the Western Hemisphere for the exchange and increase of risk assets and the establishment of equity swaps.


He went on to serve as acting CEO and Director of International and Corporate Banking in Grupo Financiero Banorte, the third largest financial group in Mexico. For nine years he acted as Senior Risk Director of the Credit and Treasury functions and was a member of the Board of Directors of GFNorte, Banorte, Bancen, Banpaís, Casa de Bolsa Banorte and Afin Securities International, a subsidiary licensed broker-dealer in New York.


Previously, he was a founder of Latin American Debt Management Associates in Miami, FL, a consulting firm for hotel and bank investors in the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean. 


Chancler is survived by his wife, Maria Rosario (Lalio), two sons and three daughters.