Ex-Pat Bankers' Housing
Part 2 [Click for Part 1]
Sweeping Out the Bugs in Moscow | by Sergei Boboshko (Posted March 1, 2023)

London Stories, Whatever Storey | by Nancy Sauer (Posted March 8 2023)
I was stationed in London for several months in 1985. My first apartment was 66 Onslow Square, and I had the 6th floor apartment (a walk up). My downstairs neighbor was Isak Antika (I think he was either in the Management Training or Credit programme), and, unfortunately for him, I always asked him to bring my luggage upstairs for me. He kindly obliged.
In between apartments, I returned back to New York, and only arrived back in London after the wrap party was held for the Magnum PI show, which had filmed two episodes in London. My Dad had a coworker who knew John Hillerman and arranged a personal invitation to the party, which I unfortunately missed. Dang.
My second apartment was at 47 Sloane Square, so I considered myself a Sloane Ranger. The kitchen and bedroom were downstairs and the living room was at ground floor. Early in the morning, the cavalry horses would clop clop down the block seemingly right above my head. I almost never needed an alarm!
As 1985 was a year when the dollar and UK pound were near parity, and theatre was still under 15GBP, suffice it to say I very much enjoyed my free time in London.
The million-dollar figure Serge used was most likely for both apartments and the office. I saw the original numbers for the Rep apartment which was $250M. In late 1983, the bank began the job of upgrading the Rep apartment with new carpet and a more usable kitchen space. That project had a budget of approximately $50M.
I was the Deputy Rep from May 1977 to May 1979 and the Rep from 1983 to 1987. My husband proposed to me in the Rep apartment in February 1986. We always joke that the KGB knew before our families.*
I have a sign directing clients to our offices on the 2nd floor of the Metropol Hotel. It hung at the main second floor landing of the hotel.

Sergei’s remarks about “bug sweeping” elicit a great story about one of CMB’s clients with a Moscow rep. The rep and his family were making their first R&R visit back in London, and he was determined that the Soviets weren’t getting into his apartment while away. He had a heavy main entry door installed with multiple locks. I wished him well, but shrugged. The night they returned from R&R, I received a phone call asking me to stop by. When I arrived, the entire door had been cut out from the wall and carefully placed next to the now empty space.
Oh…the joys of Moscow!